COVID-19: Health and Humanities - Online International Conference
College of Public Health (CPH), National Taiwan University will hold Health and Humanities International online meeting on 4/16 and 4/17 convened by Dean of CPH, Professor Chan Chang-Chuan, in collaboration with three international reputed humanities academics, Council for Philosophy and Humanity Sciences (CIPSH) and Asian New Humanities Net (ANHN), International Asian Conference on Cancer Screening Network (ISCCS), and also Taiwan Association of Medical Screening (TAMS). The theme of this online meeting is featured with the current COVID-19 pandemic.
Ming-Jen Lin, Director of Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Ministry of Science and Technology, will make the opening remark.The speakers include Professor Luiz Oosterbeek (the Secretary General of CIPSH), Hsiung Ping-Chen (Chair of ANHN), Hsiu-Hsi (Vice Dean to College of Public Health, National Taiwan University), Professor Laurent Tissot, Professor Yen-Yuan Chen, Professor Tim Jensen, Professor Mu-Chou Poo, Professor Jesus de la Villa, Professor Philip Buckley, Professor Marta Hanson, Professor Harold Sjursen, Professor Lee Cheuk Yin, Professor Tzung-Jeng Hwang, and other famous scholars. Many Asian scholars will join this online conferences.
The topics covered in this conference on this new emerging COVID-19 infected pneumonia include different dimensions and aspects including history of infectious disease, medical ethics, public gathering of religion, value and philosophy, tourism, economic and financial impacts, equity, alternative medicine for treating COVID-19.
We also announce that our Planetary Health and Humanities Conference will continue to have a series of meetings, including the next meeting held on 6/23 and 6/24. The distinguished scholars will be invited. We heartily welcome the public to join the conference and give suggestions. Please kindly download the related materials from the conference website (, and watch the real-time conference on its website.
台灣大學公共衛生學院將於4月16日(週四)及17日(週五)由院長詹長權 教授主持辦理星球衛生與健康人文(Planetary Health and Humanities)國際學術網路直播研討會。會議主要從人文觀點探討新冠肺炎COVID-19對於全球之衝擊與影響。由於COVID-19全球大流行對世界在健康、社會、經濟層面皆造成嚴重衝擊,也嚴重影響人類的生命、生活與生存,因此台大公衛學院將與國際兩大哲學人文組織:國際哲學與人文理事會(International Council for Philosophy and Humanity Sciences, CIPSH)與亞洲新人文聯網(Asian New Humanities Net, ANHN)、台灣篩檢學會(Taiwan Association of Medical Screening)以及亞洲國際篩檢網絡(International Asian Conference on Cancer Screening (IACCS) network)共同主辦與健康人文學術研討會,會議邀集歐洲、美洲、亞洲等人文領域專精學者,從人文學科領域的觀點探討COVID-19對於全球之影響。
此次會議邀請到科技部人文及社會科學研究發展司林明仁司長蒞臨致詞及指導。主講講員包含CIPSH秘書長Luiz Oosterbeek教授、ANHN主席熊秉真教授、台灣大學公衛學院陳秀熙副院長、台灣大學醫學教育暨生醫倫理學科暨研究所陳彥元教授、台灣大學附設醫院黃宗正醫師、新加坡國立大學李焯然教授、香港中文大學蒲慕州教授,及Laurent Tissot教授、Tim Jensen教授、Jesus de la Villa教授、Philip Buckley教授、Marta Hanson教授、Harold Sjursen教授等歐美亞洲知名學者,並同時邀請許多亞洲學者參加。探討的議題包含藉由COVID-19回溯全球傳染病流行之歷史觀、大流行所引發的醫療倫理問題、對於宗教集會活動之衝擊、傳統醫學在疫情中所扮演的角色以及歷史、觀光和疾病大流行之糾葛(以湯瑪斯曼之魂斷威尼斯為例)。本次國際研討會採取線上直播方式進行,相關會議資料包含會議議程學者預先提供之數位材料即日期可從官方網站(獲取。